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  1. الرئيسية
  2. الموسوعة
  3. 1-in-60 Rule
What is 1-in-60 Rule?

What is 1-in-60 Rule?

The 1-in-60 rules is a basic rule of thumb used in air navigation. It states:
One degree offset equals one nautical mile when sixty nautical miles from the origin point.
Track Correction:
If a pilot is flying a leg of 120 miles and finds after travelling 60 miles that they are two miles to the right of track then a correction of 4° to the left (2° to fly parallel to the intended track and another 2° to bring them to their target) will bring them to their destination.
To calculate the distance on a DME arc, use these basic calculations.
10nm Arc = Divide radials by 6
12nm Arc = Divide radials by 5
15nm Arc = Divide radials by 4
E.g. 30 degrees of a 10nm arc is 30/6 = 5nm
#Distance from VOR and #1 degree = ?nm
=1 degree equal with 60 nautical mile(distance/ 1 nautical mile for height frm offset. In order to calculate distance on DME you shall follow this arc measurement. DME Arc
To calculate the distance on a DME arc, use these basic calculations.
10nm Arc = Divide radials by 6
12nm Arc = Divide radials by 5
15nm Arc = Divide radials by 4 
E.g. 30 degrees of a 10nm arc is 30/6 = 5nm
#Air. Net

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