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  1. الرئيسية
  2. الموسوعة
  3. ?Definition of the heart and what is it made of

the heart ❤ 

it's muscular hollow organ equals about the size of your fist ???? 

it's location 

it is located inside the chest cavity between the two lung ???? slightly inclined to the left

it's function 

it pumps blood continuously throughout the body

it's structure 

the heart consists of four Chambers located in two sides which are the right side and the left side and there is a wall that separate between the right side and the left side of the Heart 


to prevent mixing blood in both sides 

in each side the upper Chamber is called atrium and the lower chamber is called ventricle 

there is a valve between each atrium and ventricle 


to allow blood to flow from the atrium to the ventricle  and prevent it from. returning back 

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